Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ao No Exorcist ~ ((AniMe ReVieW))

am i late for this anime review? LOL

alright let's get this over with...

Rin & Yukio Okumura

Ao No Exorcist  (青の祓魔師 Ao no futsumashi) or Blue Exorcist is an anime adaption for the manga was announced on November 27, 2010 on Shueisha's Jump Square official website. The anime will be produced by A-1 Pictures with Hitoshi Okamura as the producer. Originally the series was scheduled to air on April 10, 2011 on MBS, however due to the March 11 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami the series' broadcast was delayed until April 17, 2011.
Four pieces of theme music are used for the episodes: two opening themes and two ending themes. The opening theme for the first 12 episodes is "Core Pride" by Japanese rock band Uverworld, while the opening theme from episode 13 onwards is "In My World" by Japanese rock band ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D. The ending theme for the first 12 episodes is "Take Off" by South Korean boy band 2PM, while the ending theme from episode 13 onwards is "Wired Life" by Japanese singer Meisa Kuroki.

Main Characters :

Rin Okumura
Yukio Okumura
Mephisto Peles

Synopsis :
The story revolves arround Rin Okumura, a teenager posessing abnormal strength and endurance who was raised by Father Shiro Fujimoto along his younger twin brother Yukio. Soon after Yukio departs to study at the prestigious True Cross Academy, Rin learns that both him and his brother are sons of Satan, the most powerful of all demons. Witnessing Shiro dying to protect him, Rin ends up doing what his guardian asked him to never do, draw the demon-slaying blade Kurikara that restrains his demonic powers, from its scabbard. From that moment on, Rin not only gains permanent demonic features like fangs, pointed ears and a tail, but also the power to ignite himself into blue flames that can destroy anything it touches.
On Shiro's funeral, Rin has an encounter with Mephisto Pheles, who agrees to his wish to become an Exorcist like his guardian were to take revenge on Satan himself, and enrolls him at the True Cross Academy, which is actually the Japanese branch of an international organization dedicated to protect the human realm, Assiah, from demons and other creatures from the demon realm, Gehenna. Rin takes part on the special Exorcist course only known by a few and much to his surprise, he finds that his brother Yukio is already a veteran Exorcist and will be one of his teachers.
That's all folks... Happy Anime-atching ^ ^

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Laman web tourism Malaysia kene hack~

Tourism Malaysia

Bile aku tgk laman ni mmg seram sejuk la... Zaman skrg kite dh smakin memberontak..makin lame hal ni di tolak tepi makin menjadi-jadi ..harap2 x berlaku la peperangan sesama sendiri dlm negeri sendiri...

aku ckp sikit2 je kang ckp byk2 makin melalut aku ckp...
korg tgk je la sndiri atau search kt google
ni aku bg sket je ...psl hackers nk hack kerajaan punya laman web surat khabar on9

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mantera?? Amenda tu?? ~

Flare Studios dan suku-sakatnya mempersembahkan filem pertama mereka iaitu Mantera singkatan untuk Man-Transformable Exo-Robotic Armor!
Nk tgk best ke x best filem ni? Jom kite selidik dlu...

Filem ini bergenre fiksyen sains & fantasi dan ia menelan kos sebanyak RM6 juta. Flare Studios bekerjasama dengan Spacetoon Media Hub dan juga Kerajaan Negeri Perak. Filem ini diarah oleh sutradara Miza Mohamad & Aliyar Alikutthy dan bakal ditayangkan pd 11 November 2011. Jom tgk trailer die dlu...ZASSS

Filem ini dibintangi oleh 5 pelakon utama dari Malaysia iaitu Tomok yg memegang watak sebagai Azman. Watak heroinnya pula disandang oleh Shiqin Kamal yg pernah membintangi Lagenda Budak Setan. Pelakon lain seperti Faezah Elai, Yank Kassim dan Jayson Lee.

Cool x? 

Sinopsisnya tuan2 puan2 adik2 kakak2 cik2 encik2 leh baca kt blog2 lain atau google sahaja.. Bukannye malas cume panjang sgt nk tulis :)

Kite tgk je la ape kate org ramai tentang filem ni...Kalo kate aku rsenye leh tahan tapi kalo dah tgk bru bgtau mcm mane cite die -OuT-

Kredit kpd Spacetoon Malaysia, Flare Studios, Kerajaan Negeri Perak, pelakon2 Mantera, Gempak dan info2 dari Google... *bows* ( _ _  ) v

Waduuhh.... ape nk jd nieh...~

Semalam aku terbace la petikan ni dri Yahoo! News. Tajuk deh "Seniman Tegur Gambit, Jangan Malukan Negara"

Dia, Gambit Saifullah, dikatakan mengarah klip video Marilah nyanyian Prema Yin, dianggap memalukan negara kerana ada unsur2 tidak bermoral. Taulah nk dipasarkan ke pasaran luar tapi peliharalah unsur2 yg menunjukkan budaya2 negara kita, negara Islam majoritinye.

Kata Presiden Persatuan Seniman Malaysia, Harun Salim Bachik,  "Jangan dia (Gambit) bandingkan filem ...Dalam Botol dan filem lain dengan klip video itu kerana kreativiti yang dia hasilkan tidak memberikan manfaat dalam konteks budaya Malaysia.

"Lagipun, apa yang dipaparkan di dalam drama dan filem mempunyai mesej tertentu yang lebih jelas berbanding klip video kerana ia mempunyai masa yang singkat selain boleh memberi macam-macam tafsiran," katanya kepada mStar Online di sini, Selasa. (Dipetik dri MalaysianDigest)

Selain Gambit, Prema Yin dan Shahz Jazle turut bertanggungjawab dlm kontroversi berkenaan. Dah same2 bersubahat tanggung je la sendiri ye?

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ameba Pico Games in Facebook~

Hey! This game is really great!
U can play it online with your friends and explore the world !
i mean explore Japan,France and other places

customize yourself and be a cute picos :3 (like me XD)
read FAQ here --->

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My fav past time games~

Hi guys -Today is English Day-
I wanna share with y'all about my favorite game/games I've ever played in my life (depends on my opinion NOT by others)
I think most of it is by the most known game builder in Japan and that is Square Enix

Here's the list :
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts 2
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Legend of Mana
Final Fantasy VII
Pokemon Yellow

I'll give some of the pics here:

Kingdom Hearts 2

Final Fantasy VII 

Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories

Legend of Mana

Final Fantasy X

 Some of it is from Playstation 1 (PS1) and most of it from Playstation 2 (PS2)

Monday, April 25, 2011

~Makhluk Kecik kt Rumah Kami~

Korg pe tau de makhluk kecik2 kt umah aku...dh la bebulu comel lak tuh... nsib baik la terkurung dlm sangkar kalo x mmg besepah la umah kt bahan2 toksik dorg tu huahuahua
amende bende kecik2 tu? lerr xkn la xtau punye...menatang yg slalu mkn sayur2an tu...
xtau gak? ok aku kasi ini gmba ea..

asenye yg ni Timah
haaaa tau x amende makhluk kcik2 ni..?? of coz la arnab atau bahase omputeh nyo bunny :3
ado duo eko kt dlm uma den ni ha... sekor namo eh Timah sekor lg Tomok...den pelik na sbb Timah lbih gmok atau bosa drpd si Tomok
dlu mse dorg kocik2 (dlm sebulan lps) dorg sng je dpt kua dri lubang2 sangkar dorg tuh...ari tu mse smuo org xdo gi melancong kt tompek lain time balik je tgk2 umah dh jd bau tengik semcm ngan lntai ponuh ngan bola2 kecik wrne itam (tau2 je la bhn buangan dorg mcm ne kn)
skrg ni dorg dh bosa2 x muek dh nk kuo ikut lobang kocik sgkr dorg...time tu la ktorg bukak die punye penutup sgkr bru nmpk lapang sket sgkr dorg...bile time aku balik je msti dorg asyik mkn2 jer...ntah cmne mse aku kt hostel dorg leh mkn sbegitu byk... huhuhu

ni lak Tomok

first time den nengok arnab tido

~Pengalaman dlm Bas~

P/s: Sorry this is in Malay :P

Aku rse pengalaman ni xde la best sgt tp mmg klaka gak la
Camni.. kira2 kul 12.00 tghari tu aku naik bas bernama "Sihat" tambang eh RM5.80 dri Kuantan ke Geliga
Xde tmpt la plak..terpkse duk kt blkg skali ngan de 3 org dak2 kt situ...kiri knn dpn aku ade la 2 org Mat Saleh..mule2 dorg ni lom bertegur sapa lg tp ble de makcik mintak duit tmbg dorg start ckp2 psl Balok la Kuantan la pstu ckp psl negeri dorg psl kerja dorg bla3 aku dgr stu tu salah sorg mat saleh tu die tanye la kt aku "where is this?" terkejut punye psl aku kte la "Beserah" pastu die tanye lg "Balok?" *smbil tunjuk kt dpn (mknenye dpn lg ke la tu) aku angguk la pstu die kte "Still far eh?" aku skadar senyum pstu angguk jer lg sorg mat saleh tu kate lak "terima kasih" aku jwb ler "sama2" haha mmg sengal la plak aku nihhhh XDDD
pastu dh nk dkt smpai area Cherating tu de plak sekumpulan dak2 sekolah naik...dorg duk kt blkg gak..haha salah sorg dri dorg tgur la mat saleh tu die kate "Hello!" mat saleh tu "Hello" la gak boleh la die gi hentam ckp Melayu mne la si mat saleh tu paham..tergelak2 kwn2 die..nakal gle..pstu de la plak kwn dak tu ckp english leh thn la die gi tnye mcm2 psl bola la sbb mat saleh tu dri Spain...
ooh lps tu cmtu je la dorg berenti kt cherating nk gi tgk Beach ktenye...ohye lpe nk ckp nme dorg Connor ngan Henry.... Connor xpsti die dri mne pastu Henry dri Spain..Connor pljr universiti dan nk tau x die 19 thn bapak tinggi woooo...Henry bekerja kt Malaysia rsenye die kte die dh 10 hari kt Malaysia...dorg de amik gmbr sesame sndiri sbb Henry nk wat blog psl die... hmm blog pe gaknye
- Hari Jumaat - Tarikh 22 April 2011 -

Ni la bas yg dikatakan SIHAT tuuu...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

~My First Post~

Hello! ^o^/

This is my first post (except the intro part), please correct me if I have done mistakes... ^_^"

It's my life in Hostel... Well, i'd say that it's not that happy and I thought not many joyous memory
But having some friends will make it more interesting 
At first, I thought that I will be lonely because of my attitude (shy girl) but I manage to have very kind friends although they mistook me by being arrogant (for not talking to them or I look scary -__-")
*sigh* I hope I will be more gregarious (some word that I got from my former lecturer)
That's that.... It's 11:52 a.m right now gotta go to sleep...
April 12th 2011 -Tuesday-


~Intro Time~


My nickname is Suika or Zai
I'm 18 years old
I live in Malaysia
I study at Cosmopoint
I am an OTAKU! xD
Because I love manga very much! 
Same goes for anime and cosplay!
I also love to watch japanese dramas!!!
Hmmmm..... what else...?
Errr... I guess that's all